What should you expect at Skycrest?
You can expect to be greeted by a warm smile and a friendly atmosphere. We're a diverse group of people who are united by a love for Jesus. No matter who you are, we want you to feel welcome.
Come as you are!

Our music is lively and worshipful!
Our goal is to honor God, so we always want our worship
to be theologically accurate and Christ-centered.

Yes! We have childcare at 9 AM and at 10:30 AM. For more information,
check out our SkyKids page!

Attire is casual. You are not expected to dress up.

The best parking spots are reserved for you! Just look for signs
that say "New Here?" and park there.

Our service is about an hour and fifteen minutes long. We begin at 10:30
and we usually end around 11:45